...since my last post but there was almost no time left in between trying to finish our project at work in 2007 (this failed by the way but we are quite close), PhD defenses and parties and a Christmas party at the institute. In addition I am moving once again but this time hopefully for longer - it will be an appartment with 3 other people I already know - two of them work with me and one is not at the same institute but also a geologist - at least we have all have an education in geoscience ;). The appartment is quite big and significantly more quiet than it is here in the dorms - surprise, surprise. Pictures will follow next year because I cannot really move into my room right now since one guy still has to leave.
Mein letzter Eintrag ist schon eine Weile her aber es gab einfach kaum Zeit zwischen dem Versuch, unser Arbeitsprojekt noch 2007 zu beenden (hat natürlich nicht geklappt aber wir sind nah dran), Doktorarbeitsverteidigungen und - feiern und einer Weihnachtsfeier am Institut. Außerdem werde ich nochmal umziehen aber dieses Mal hoffentlich dann für länger - in eine Wohnung mit 3 anderen, die ich schon kenne - zwei arbeiten mit mir und eine ist nicht an unserem Institut aber eine Geologin - zumindest haben wir alle eine Ausbildung in Geowissenschaften ;). Die Wohnung ist ziemlich groß und - oh Wunder- viel ruhiger als das Wohnheim. Nächstes Jahr werde ich wohl ein paar Bilder haben, die ich jetzt noch nicht richtig in mein Zimmer einziehen kann, da einer noch ausziehen muss.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Advanced geography
What happens if you have a statistics program AND a visitor map? Sometimes they don't locate the people on the same spot but I didn't expect that it might be that far off but see yourself:

The red points are done by clustrmaps, the "exact" location was given to me by statcounter. While the statistic program tells me that there has been a visitor from Toronto, Canada - the map draws a point where I could not even find a city in google earth. The green point is where (according to my geographical education) Toronto should be. The same fun is done for Porto Alegre in Brazil - the red point might more in the region of Manaus - well actually a little too much south. I wonder if those Indian villages in the middle of the jungle have internet ;).
Sorry for the bad quality.

The red points are done by clustrmaps, the "exact" location was given to me by statcounter. While the statistic program tells me that there has been a visitor from Toronto, Canada - the map draws a point where I could not even find a city in google earth. The green point is where (according to my geographical education) Toronto should be. The same fun is done for Porto Alegre in Brazil - the red point might more in the region of Manaus - well actually a little too much south. I wonder if those Indian villages in the middle of the jungle have internet ;).
Sorry for the bad quality.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
5 to 10 perfect minutes a day...
...should be enough - don't you think? I mean others have not even 5 perfect minutes in their life - so what am I complaining about? And the weather is so perfect. Very nice to sit in front of the computer the whole day and to know that at least the weather is nice. Of course when you go outside it is already dark for more than 5 hours. Reducing your meals to only two a day is not only saving money it is also perfect for the ideal weight. This is even more effective when biking uphill for 20 minutes after not eating for 10 to 11 hours. Coming home after the shops are closed also reduces your daily menu to rice, rice, nudles, nudles, rice ....well and then you have a weekend to go shopping, do the dishes, laundry, cleaning and the weather will be shitty anyway so perfect for doing all the neccessities which you were incabable of doing during the week. But back to my 5 perfect minutes : those are actually when I am biking downhill to work and it is so nice to think absolutely nothing, to be almost blown away by the wind, to have a nice view on the Olso fjord.
sorry .. gerade echt keine Lust das ins Deutsche zu übersetzen.
sorry .. gerade echt keine Lust das ins Deutsche zu übersetzen.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Impressions of Oslo IV
I've been asked to show more pictures of Oslo which is quite hard for me because I hardly take pictures of buildings (especially if they are ugly) but this time I managed ;).

This is the view from Akershus on part of the harbor where mostly these sailing ships and smaller cruises anf tourist boats come in. The car ferries start from another point. On the hill in the background the ski jumping tower of Holmenkollen can be seen (this one will be replaced by a new one until 2011).
Ich wurde gebeten, doch mehr Bilder von Oslo zu zeigen, was mir immer sehr schwer fällt, weil ich einfach kaum Bilder von Gebäuden mache (besonders dann wenn sie auch noch häßlich sind). Aber dieses Mal habe ich es geschafft ;).
Das ist nun der Blick von Akershus auf einen Teil des Hafens, wo hauptsächlich die Segel- und Touristenschiffe ankommen. Die großen Autofähren starten von einem anderen Punkt. Auf dem Hügel im Hintergrund kann man auch noch die Skischanze (oder schreibt man das nun Schischanze .. brrrrrrr) vom Holmenkollen sehen. Diese wird bis 2011 abgerissen und durch eine neue ersetzt.

This is the view from Akershus on part of the harbor where mostly these sailing ships and smaller cruises anf tourist boats come in. The car ferries start from another point. On the hill in the background the ski jumping tower of Holmenkollen can be seen (this one will be replaced by a new one until 2011).
Ich wurde gebeten, doch mehr Bilder von Oslo zu zeigen, was mir immer sehr schwer fällt, weil ich einfach kaum Bilder von Gebäuden mache (besonders dann wenn sie auch noch häßlich sind). Aber dieses Mal habe ich es geschafft ;).
Das ist nun der Blick von Akershus auf einen Teil des Hafens, wo hauptsächlich die Segel- und Touristenschiffe ankommen. Die großen Autofähren starten von einem anderen Punkt. Auf dem Hügel im Hintergrund kann man auch noch die Skischanze (oder schreibt man das nun Schischanze .. brrrrrrr) vom Holmenkollen sehen. Diese wird bis 2011 abgerissen und durch eine neue ersetzt.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Quite close, I guess
Seen this here and getting the same result. Well, I am German but living in Norway, so Sweden is the intersection or what?
Hier gesehen und das gleiche Resultat bekommen. Nuja, ich komme aus Deutschland und lebe in Norwegen und die Schnittmenge ist dann Schweden oder wie?
Hier gesehen und das gleiche Resultat bekommen. Nuja, ich komme aus Deutschland und lebe in Norwegen und die Schnittmenge ist dann Schweden oder wie?
Your Inner European is Swedish! |
Relaxed and peaceful. You like to kick back and enjoy life. |
Evening impression VI
Du hast nur dies eine Leben...
... wenn's vorbei ist, ist's vorbei. Nimm's nicht so schwer, denn das wichtigste ist doch, du hattest eine gute Zeit. Ärzte
Das neue Album ist mal wieder klasse und sie schaffen es immer noch so schön unkonventiell zu sein, sich selbst und die Welt auf die Schippe zu nehmen aber durchaus auch etwas philosophisch zu werden. Herrlicher Kontrast zu den ganzen unnützen Teenie und Pop Bands, die einem sogar schon auf die Nerven gehen, wenn man sie nicht mal hört ;)
Well - I guess that is not really relevant for non-German speakers - just about a new Album of a German band called "Die Ärzte". Yeah there are also other German groups besides Rammstein ;). I just like them because they are so different from these boring teenie and pop groups.
Das neue Album ist mal wieder klasse und sie schaffen es immer noch so schön unkonventiell zu sein, sich selbst und die Welt auf die Schippe zu nehmen aber durchaus auch etwas philosophisch zu werden. Herrlicher Kontrast zu den ganzen unnützen Teenie und Pop Bands, die einem sogar schon auf die Nerven gehen, wenn man sie nicht mal hört ;)
Well - I guess that is not really relevant for non-German speakers - just about a new Album of a German band called "Die Ärzte". Yeah there are also other German groups besides Rammstein ;). I just like them because they are so different from these boring teenie and pop groups.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
22.30 ...
... was the time when I came home from work. Ok this is quite late - usually it is about an hour earlier - very seldom before 8 pm. Well, I have to admit that I am an absolute night owl and that I am getting quite productive in the evenings and that sometimes I start work too late but somehow I don't really have an evening if I continue like this. I tried to start earlier and leave earlier but I never succeed so in the end I work 11 hours instead of the usual 8 to 9. Starting cooking at half past 10 is also not really tempting (today I luckily had some leftovers from yesterday). And this is is just the first year of my PhD - how is it going to be in the last year? It is not that I don't like my work (there are some ups and downs sure) but I feel like I invest so much time and I achieve so little - ok that is quite normal in science but I don't really want to continue like this for the rest of my life. And the problem when I come home so late is that I also go to bed way too late because I want to have a little time for myself in the evenings. And I want so desperately learn more Norwegian - what should I do about that?
... um diese Uhrzeit bin ich heute nach Hause gekommen. Ok, das ist schon etwas spät - normalerweise ist es eine Stunde früher, selten vor 20 Uhr. Natürlich muss ich zugben, dass ich ein Nachtmensch bin und dass ich am Abend erst produktiv werde und dass ich manchmal zu spät zur Arbeit gehe aber wenn ich so weitermache habe ich so gut wie keinen Abend für mich. Ich habe versucht früher zur Arbeit zu gehen aber dann schaffe ich es nie, früher nach Hause zu gehen und so arbeite ich dann 11 Stunden anstatt den 8 bis 9 Stunden wie normal. Um 22.30 dann auch noch zu kochen ist irgendwie nicht gerade toll ( heute hatte ich glücklicherweise noch was übrig von gestern). Und das ist nur das erste Jahr meiner Doktorarbeit - wie wird das nur im letzten Jahr werden? Es ist ja nicht so, dass ich meine Arbeit nicht mag (natürlich gibt es Hochs und Tiefs, klar) aber ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich so viel Zeit investiere und so wenig erreiche - das ist auch normal in der Wissenschaft aber so möchte ich eigentlich nicht den Rest meines Lebens weitermachen. Und ein Problem ist auch, dass ich später ins Bett gehe, wenn ich so spät nach Hause komme, weil ich auch noch ein bisschen Zeit am Abend für mich haben will. Und ich würde so gerne mehr Norwegisch lernen wollen - was mach ich da nur?
... um diese Uhrzeit bin ich heute nach Hause gekommen. Ok, das ist schon etwas spät - normalerweise ist es eine Stunde früher, selten vor 20 Uhr. Natürlich muss ich zugben, dass ich ein Nachtmensch bin und dass ich am Abend erst produktiv werde und dass ich manchmal zu spät zur Arbeit gehe aber wenn ich so weitermache habe ich so gut wie keinen Abend für mich. Ich habe versucht früher zur Arbeit zu gehen aber dann schaffe ich es nie, früher nach Hause zu gehen und so arbeite ich dann 11 Stunden anstatt den 8 bis 9 Stunden wie normal. Um 22.30 dann auch noch zu kochen ist irgendwie nicht gerade toll ( heute hatte ich glücklicherweise noch was übrig von gestern). Und das ist nur das erste Jahr meiner Doktorarbeit - wie wird das nur im letzten Jahr werden? Es ist ja nicht so, dass ich meine Arbeit nicht mag (natürlich gibt es Hochs und Tiefs, klar) aber ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich so viel Zeit investiere und so wenig erreiche - das ist auch normal in der Wissenschaft aber so möchte ich eigentlich nicht den Rest meines Lebens weitermachen. Und ein Problem ist auch, dass ich später ins Bett gehe, wenn ich so spät nach Hause komme, weil ich auch noch ein bisschen Zeit am Abend für mich haben will. Und ich würde so gerne mehr Norwegisch lernen wollen - was mach ich da nur?
Naturally, the snow was gone by Saturday and we had a very inviting rainy foggy weekend and the weatherforecast even promises warmer weather - up to 8°C. As my Norwegian roommate at work said: it is almost like August.
Natürlich war der Schnee am Samstag schon wieder weg und wir hatten ein richtig einladendes Regen-Nebel Wetter das ganze Wochenende und der Wetterbericht verspricht sogar noch wärmeres Wetter - bis zu 8 °C. Wie mein norwegischer Zimmergenosse auf der Arbeit sagt: es ist fast wie im August.
Natürlich war der Schnee am Samstag schon wieder weg und wir hatten ein richtig einladendes Regen-Nebel Wetter das ganze Wochenende und der Wetterbericht verspricht sogar noch wärmeres Wetter - bis zu 8 °C. Wie mein norwegischer Zimmergenosse auf der Arbeit sagt: es ist fast wie im August.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Heddal Stave Church in winter
The only quite unpractical thing in late fall and winter is, that it is getting dark so soon and that you cannot see as much as you would like to.
However the Heddal Stave Church with a tiny snow cover and illuminated creates a special athmosphere.
Das einzige Unpraktische am Spätherbst und Winter ist, dass es so früh dunkel wird und man leider nicht so viel sehen kann wie man gerne möchte.
Dennoch hat die Stabkirche von Heddal mit einer kleinen Schneedecke und Beleuchtung eine ganz besondere Ausstrahlung.

However the Heddal Stave Church with a tiny snow cover and illuminated creates a special athmosphere.
Das einzige Unpraktische am Spätherbst und Winter ist, dass es so früh dunkel wird und man leider nicht so viel sehen kann wie man gerne möchte.
Dennoch hat die Stabkirche von Heddal mit einer kleinen Schneedecke und Beleuchtung eine ganz besondere Ausstrahlung.

Promising ...
... is the small now cover which made it through the day for the first time. This and last week we had the same procedure almost everyday: snow over night, the guy with the tractor cleaned the soccer field, then it became warmer and soon everything started to melt and in the evening it froze to the ground. But not today so there is some hope and it is still snowing and it is weekend - so with a bit of luck I can ski tomorrow or Sunday. Funnily enough just about a hundred meters down at the university and downtown, the snow melted away.
Vielversprechend ist die Schneeschicht, die sich den heutigen Tag über gebildet hat. Diese und letzte Woche hatten wir fast jeden Tag die gleiche Prozedur: es schneite über Nacht, der Typ mit dem Trakor säuberte den Fußballplatz, es wurde wärmer und bald schmolz der Schnee weg und alles gefror an den Boden. Aber heute nicht, also gibt es doch noch etwas Hoffnung und es schneit immer noch und es is Wochenende - mit etwas Glück kann ich morgen oder am Sonntag Langlaufen. Lustigerweise blieb der Schnee nur etwa hundert Meter weiter unten auf der Höhe der Uni und in der Innenstadt nicht liegen.
Vielversprechend ist die Schneeschicht, die sich den heutigen Tag über gebildet hat. Diese und letzte Woche hatten wir fast jeden Tag die gleiche Prozedur: es schneite über Nacht, der Typ mit dem Trakor säuberte den Fußballplatz, es wurde wärmer und bald schmolz der Schnee weg und alles gefror an den Boden. Aber heute nicht, also gibt es doch noch etwas Hoffnung und es schneit immer noch und es is Wochenende - mit etwas Glück kann ich morgen oder am Sonntag Langlaufen. Lustigerweise blieb der Schnee nur etwa hundert Meter weiter unten auf der Höhe der Uni und in der Innenstadt nicht liegen.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I forgot...
... to mention that I want enough snow to ski. We got some snow yeah ... 2 mm over night and they melt during the day because it is getting too warm. Well, Oslo wasn't really my favorite location anyway but why is snow everywhere where people even don't want it and none (2 mm is a joke) here? I know the answer - because I WANT it ;)
Sure I could go to some other places in Norway but no time for vacation.
Ich hatte vergessen zu erwähnen, dass ich genug Schnee zum Skifahren haben wollte. Wir haben zwar Schnee aber die 2 mm, die über nacht fallen, tauen am Tag wieder weg, weil es einfach zu warm ist. Natürlich war Oslo nicht gerade mein Traumziel aber irgendwie finde ich das schon gemein, dass es sogar überall da schneit, wo es die Leute gar nicht wollen und hier hat es keinen Schnee(die 2 mm sind ja echt ein Witz). Das ist wahrscheinlich, weil ich Schnee HABEN will. Natürlich könnte ich auch woanders hinfahren aber ich habe keine Zeit für Urlaub.
Sure I could go to some other places in Norway but no time for vacation.
Ich hatte vergessen zu erwähnen, dass ich genug Schnee zum Skifahren haben wollte. Wir haben zwar Schnee aber die 2 mm, die über nacht fallen, tauen am Tag wieder weg, weil es einfach zu warm ist. Natürlich war Oslo nicht gerade mein Traumziel aber irgendwie finde ich das schon gemein, dass es sogar überall da schneit, wo es die Leute gar nicht wollen und hier hat es keinen Schnee(die 2 mm sind ja echt ein Witz). Das ist wahrscheinlich, weil ich Schnee HABEN will. Natürlich könnte ich auch woanders hinfahren aber ich habe keine Zeit für Urlaub.
They didn't make it by only one point but it was almost settled last week when Norway lost against Turkey in the qualification for the European Championship. And I was so much looking foward to watching them like that:

Picture from: www.spiegel.de (sometime in October I think it was the game against Moldavia).
Schade - sie haben um einen Punkt die Qualifikation für die EM verpaßt aber das war ja vorauszusehen, da Norwegen letzten Samstag gegen die Türkei verloren hatte. Und ich hatte mich so auf Momente wie den oben auf dem Bild gefreut.

Picture from: www.spiegel.de (sometime in October I think it was the game against Moldavia).
Schade - sie haben um einen Punkt die Qualifikation für die EM verpaßt aber das war ja vorauszusehen, da Norwegen letzten Samstag gegen die Türkei verloren hatte. Und ich hatte mich so auf Momente wie den oben auf dem Bild gefreut.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Nur manchmal wenn der Südwind weht ...
... und wildes Fernweh durch mich geht wie schauerliche Stürme, dann sehn ich mich ... (Subway to Sally, Auf Kiel, Bastard).
Manchmal da wünsche ich mich ganz weit fort in eine einsame Hütte ohne irgendeine Menschenseele treffen zu müssen ... so etwa 5 Mal pro Tag in letzter Zeit.
I will not translate lyrics because I think that you can only understand the original.
Sometimes I would wish to be far away in a lonely cabin without having to meet anyboday ... around 5 times a day.
Manchmal da wünsche ich mich ganz weit fort in eine einsame Hütte ohne irgendeine Menschenseele treffen zu müssen ... so etwa 5 Mal pro Tag in letzter Zeit.
I will not translate lyrics because I think that you can only understand the original.
Sometimes I would wish to be far away in a lonely cabin without having to meet anyboday ... around 5 times a day.
One more because it is so much fun !
What do you do when your computer does connect to the internet but not to the network (although it was connected to it on Friday)?
a) change the network cable
b) remove the laptop from the dockingstation
c) format the whole(!) computer and reinstall windows
d) all three
And now you probably think none of the above but the answer is d) and I could have almost killed that person. I was already sorry that I asked but I need the network and it is not my job to fix that. So I am going there, telling the lady that I cannot connect to the network she looks at it - I will get another internet cable to make sure that it is not a crossed one. I said(quite confused how one could have this idea): but it worked on Friday what should have happend to the cable until Monday? ... didn't help she wanted to get a cable so let her get the cable ... then she is trying her account, my accounts and had the glorious idea .. yeah! it is the docking station (by that time I was getting quite annoyed but still trying not to show it) ... OF COURSE it did not work after undocking the computer so she had (for the first time) a good idea and wanted to check if everything with the IP is correct so she took the computer and had it for maybe 1 hour (it felt like the whole afternoon). When she came back .. you have some data on partition E can you make a backup I have to reformat and reinstall windows. My first reaction was WHAT THE FUCK but still I tried to swallow that and asked what would actually be the reason to have partitions if the data is lost anyway since she is going to format all? She didn't get what I said instead she told me that partition C has to be 30GB and it is not and so she has to reshape ... well maybe I am too stupid but can somebody explain to me why C has to have 30 GB? Why can you not just format C and reinstall windows? Well it is ok - I have all the data elsewhere but I JUST SPENT TWO DAYS TO 1) install all the things she forgot to or wasn't capable to install (including making a nice partition of the unallocated 80GB) 2)install the programs she wouldn't even dream about installing (including such simple progs as firefox (yeah it was NOT on there) or irfanview 3) put my data on the new E partition BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT IT TO BE LOST WHEN THE SYSTEM CRASHES. In addition she didn't finish today .. nice working attitude which I could do that, too. So tomorrow when I get the computer back I can spent THE NEXT TWO DAYS ON CONFIGURATING THE COMUTER THE WAY I WANT IT AGAIN!
And she actually has the courage to ask me why I am kind of angry.
a) change the network cable
b) remove the laptop from the dockingstation
c) format the whole(!) computer and reinstall windows
d) all three
And now you probably think none of the above but the answer is d) and I could have almost killed that person. I was already sorry that I asked but I need the network and it is not my job to fix that. So I am going there, telling the lady that I cannot connect to the network she looks at it - I will get another internet cable to make sure that it is not a crossed one. I said(quite confused how one could have this idea): but it worked on Friday what should have happend to the cable until Monday? ... didn't help she wanted to get a cable so let her get the cable ... then she is trying her account, my accounts and had the glorious idea .. yeah! it is the docking station (by that time I was getting quite annoyed but still trying not to show it) ... OF COURSE it did not work after undocking the computer so she had (for the first time) a good idea and wanted to check if everything with the IP is correct so she took the computer and had it for maybe 1 hour (it felt like the whole afternoon). When she came back .. you have some data on partition E can you make a backup I have to reformat and reinstall windows. My first reaction was WHAT THE FUCK but still I tried to swallow that and asked what would actually be the reason to have partitions if the data is lost anyway since she is going to format all? She didn't get what I said instead she told me that partition C has to be 30GB and it is not and so she has to reshape ... well maybe I am too stupid but can somebody explain to me why C has to have 30 GB? Why can you not just format C and reinstall windows? Well it is ok - I have all the data elsewhere but I JUST SPENT TWO DAYS TO 1) install all the things she forgot to or wasn't capable to install (including making a nice partition of the unallocated 80GB) 2)install the programs she wouldn't even dream about installing (including such simple progs as firefox (yeah it was NOT on there) or irfanview 3) put my data on the new E partition BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT IT TO BE LOST WHEN THE SYSTEM CRASHES. In addition she didn't finish today .. nice working attitude which I could do that, too. So tomorrow when I get the computer back I can spent THE NEXT TWO DAYS ON CONFIGURATING THE COMUTER THE WAY I WANT IT AGAIN!
And she actually has the courage to ask me why I am kind of angry.
And after the party?
Be so kind and puke right into the elevator (and DO NOT CLEAN IT UP). The neighbor is very happy to smell this right after breakfast and since the other elevator is not working the neighbor is also happiliy carrying done the bike 6 floors (yeah workour is fun). Why put my bike into my appartment? I don't want to have it stolen and I don't really trust people here.
Why only party on weekends?
When you can party every day of the week and annoy your neighbor with loud techno music, high screaming (girls), clouds of smoke and conversations in the hall (exactly in front of the neighbor's door). The neighbor is also very happy to be kept awake until the middle of the night since she is for sure not paid for not doing any work. But luckily the neighbor is used to the noise by now and has ear plugs. AND most important the neighbor is moving soon (already counting days).
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Why snow?
New computer
More than two weeks ago I ordered a laptop for my work since the other computer didn't have the capacities for my calculations and for the conferences and talks I would have needed a laptop anyway. The university has a contract with Dell so I got a Latitude D630 (well I told the IT lady that I want at least a 2GHz, dual core processor, 1GB RAM (I got 2 now) and diverse other things). I didn't specify the capacity of the harddrive but I thought that at least 80 GB would be standard nowadays anyway. On Thursday, I finally got the computer and she told me that she had installed all the programs (of course she has to because of the licenses) and the only thing I have to ge myself is the license for CS3 . Naturally I was quite happy to have the computer and started to arrange things to my liking and realized quite soon that the graphic card driver was not installed - this I could luckily fix myself since the woman was gone for the day already. Then I realized that the computer is only showing me 40 GB space on the harddrive (11 of those were already used with the programs) and was quite astonished why the harddrive should have only 40 GB. Luckily I am admin of my laptop (I wasn't of my other computer which resulted in starting programs from my personal folder - complete nonsense), so I checked in the system and - tralalala- there were 80 GB lying around unallocated (at least she could have told me that I have to make a partition out of those but she should have done it herself because she gets paid for that and I am not). Well, that could be fixed also by myself .. then I started to test programs .. office - no license. Ok that could not be fixed so I had to get her to fix it ... then I tried most of the programs but I forgot matlab and guess what - yeah she also forgot the license for that program.
Well, I hold back most of the critics but actually I almost could have done the installations myself then at least I would have known what is on the computer and what not but I get paid for doing some scientific and not for installing a computer. Well, the computer is really cool - slowly I have all the things I want on there and it is so quiet compared to my Averatec and the old computer at work.
Well, I hold back most of the critics but actually I almost could have done the installations myself then at least I would have known what is on the computer and what not but I get paid for doing some scientific and not for installing a computer. Well, the computer is really cool - slowly I have all the things I want on there and it is so quiet compared to my Averatec and the old computer at work.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Definitely not funny...
... is it when there is more snow at my mum's place in Germany than here. Come on - why did I come here ? (ok I am here because of this good position but location wise I am still sad that I am not in Tromsø or Alaska.) If it continues like that I will definitely have to go to Antarctica for a winter after my PhD - probably then all the ice is gone there, too ;).
Ich finde es nicht sonderlich lustig, dass es bei meiner Mutter in Deutschland schneit, während hier noch keine einzige Schneeflocke vom Himmel gefallen ist. Warum bin ich denn hier? (ok mal abgesehen von der guten Stelle die ich in Oslo bekommen habe aber Tromsø oder Alaska würde ich als Orte schon bevorzugen.) Wenn das weiter so bleibt, dann habe ich keine andere Wahl als nach meiner Doktorarbeit einen Winter in der Antarktis zu verbringen - wahrscheinlich ist dann dort auch alles Eis geschmolzen ;).
Ich finde es nicht sonderlich lustig, dass es bei meiner Mutter in Deutschland schneit, während hier noch keine einzige Schneeflocke vom Himmel gefallen ist. Warum bin ich denn hier? (ok mal abgesehen von der guten Stelle die ich in Oslo bekommen habe aber Tromsø oder Alaska würde ich als Orte schon bevorzugen.) Wenn das weiter so bleibt, dann habe ich keine andere Wahl als nach meiner Doktorarbeit einen Winter in der Antarktis zu verbringen - wahrscheinlich ist dann dort auch alles Eis geschmolzen ;).
Saturday, November 3, 2007
I'm addicted...
... to learning vocabulary with this vocabulary trainer - no joke. This is a really good one which I found by chance - it is mainly written in German (no problem for me hehe) but you can use it in basically every language you want to learn. So you can train from Russian to Japanese if you really feel like it. I really like the program because you can type in your vocabulary or even look for existing vocabulary units somebody else has already written and then you have to pass 9 levels until the word is out of your list and regarded to be known. There is also a statistics function so you know how many words you knew and you didn't and you can see how many words are on which level - and this all for free!
Ich bin süchtig nach Vokabelnlernen mit diesem Vokabeltrainer. Habe ihn zufällig gefunden und finde ihn einfach nur klasse. Er ist in deutscher Sprache verfasst aber man kann sich eigentlich jede Sprache einstellen also auch Russisch - Japanisch wenn man das unbedingt möchte. Das Programm ist richtig gut, weil man eigene Vokabeln eingeben kann oder Lektionen verwenden kann, die von anderen zusammengestellt wurden.
Man muss die Wörter neun mal wiederholen, bis sie dann nicht mehr abgefragt werden. Außerdem gibt es eine Statistik wie viel man richtig oder falsch beantwortet hat und man kann auch sehen wie viele Wörter auf welchem Lernlevel sind.
Ich bin süchtig nach Vokabelnlernen mit diesem Vokabeltrainer. Habe ihn zufällig gefunden und finde ihn einfach nur klasse. Er ist in deutscher Sprache verfasst aber man kann sich eigentlich jede Sprache einstellen also auch Russisch - Japanisch wenn man das unbedingt möchte. Das Programm ist richtig gut, weil man eigene Vokabeln eingeben kann oder Lektionen verwenden kann, die von anderen zusammengestellt wurden.
Man muss die Wörter neun mal wiederholen, bis sie dann nicht mehr abgefragt werden. Außerdem gibt es eine Statistik wie viel man richtig oder falsch beantwortet hat und man kann auch sehen wie viele Wörter auf welchem Lernlevel sind.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Carpe diem
There are certain days when the weather is so nice although the weather forecast said the opposite. Usually these days are Fridays and then everybody is really looking forward to a weekend with cool weather - however the weekend is usually foggy. Well, you can still do some things outside but it is not really inviting especially not when the whole week was really sunny and therefore you know that the pictures could be nicer . Anyway I made the experience for a few weeks and today I decided that I am not playing that game anymore - it was great outside so I didn't go to work but went biking. If the whole weekend it going to be foggy and/or rainy I will have enough time to work. I had planned for a long time to bike as further in the Nordmarka, so I picked a route which looked like this:

Sorry, the picture is not the best but when you look at the full size, you will be able to see the trail marked in yellow with a few stations.
Picture taken at point 1:

The lake at point 2 looked like this, I've been there before when I was out hiking but on the opposite shore:

The lake at point 3 is part of the drinking water suply for Oslo so people are asked to keep the water clean and not to swim or let the dogs swim.

Number 4 was the last picture taken when the weather was still nice ... it can be seen that some clouds are coming from the left. A few minutes after that picture was taken I had to bike in the fog. Unfortunatley that was the point the furthest away from home so my way back was foggy, cold and quite wet.

At point 5, I had to take a hiking trail in order to catch the biking trail back to Sognsvann. It is quite short so it was not really a problem and you could bike it if you really feel like it ... it was a little too rough for me ;). Anyway, any other trail would have been to far off the direction I really wanted to go but if there is more time and nicer weather there are probably other possibilities.
The last stop I made was at the same spot as stop 2 just to show the differnce of sunny and foggy:

All in all I am very glad that I biked today and tomorrow I can work since we are burried in fog ;)

Sorry, the picture is not the best but when you look at the full size, you will be able to see the trail marked in yellow with a few stations.
Picture taken at point 1:

The lake at point 2 looked like this, I've been there before when I was out hiking but on the opposite shore:

The lake at point 3 is part of the drinking water suply for Oslo so people are asked to keep the water clean and not to swim or let the dogs swim.

Number 4 was the last picture taken when the weather was still nice ... it can be seen that some clouds are coming from the left. A few minutes after that picture was taken I had to bike in the fog. Unfortunatley that was the point the furthest away from home so my way back was foggy, cold and quite wet.

At point 5, I had to take a hiking trail in order to catch the biking trail back to Sognsvann. It is quite short so it was not really a problem and you could bike it if you really feel like it ... it was a little too rough for me ;). Anyway, any other trail would have been to far off the direction I really wanted to go but if there is more time and nicer weather there are probably other possibilities.
The last stop I made was at the same spot as stop 2 just to show the differnce of sunny and foggy:

All in all I am very glad that I biked today and tomorrow I can work since we are burried in fog ;)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
There are some things I will never learn like always running to the first floor of a building when I want to go to a room numbered 1(something). But here in Norway, the ground floor is the first floor so the first floor is the second floor already - it is also like this in the USA. In Germany however (at least most of the time), the ground level would have zeros in front of the room numbers and ones in front of the rooms on the first floor. The basement is then often -1 or -2 ;) Confused?
Recently I did that in the Geological Museum when looking for a room for a course and this time is was quite nice because I could see all the dinosaur bones ;)
Recently I did that in the Geological Museum when looking for a room for a course and this time is was quite nice because I could see all the dinosaur bones ;)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Water can be consumed again.
Obviously it is safe again to drink the water without boiling - so we just do it again ;)
Anscheinend kann man das Wasser wieder trinken, ohne es abkochen zu müssen - also trinken wir es wieder ;)
Anscheinend kann man das Wasser wieder trinken, ohne es abkochen zu müssen - also trinken wir es wieder ;)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
... you are reading a paper or rather studying a diagram and suddenly you see something you really didn't expect to be there. So first, you rub your eyes because you believe that you are getting crazy and have some hallucination. But that certain object stays there and it is a completely serious paper and it has been reviewed by several people and it is published.

White et al., 2007
For non-geoscientists - it doen't really matter what that should be - we call it phase diagram and this is only a tiny little bit of the whole diagram but you can easily see (juding by the temperature and pressure) that the fish must be quite good boiled ;).
Man stelle sich vor, man liest eine wissenschaftlich Abhandlung oder besser ausgedrückt, man studiert gerade detailliert ein Diagramm und entdeckt plötzlich etwas, was da nicht hin gehört. Zuerst reibt man sich die Augen, weil man denkt, dass man verrückt geworden ist und Halluzinationen hat. Dann stellt man aber fest, dass dieses Objekt tatsächlich vorhanden ist und das in einem Paper mit sehr ernstem Inhalt, welches von mehreren Leuten durchgesehen wurde und auch veröffentlicht wurde.
Für Nicht-Geowissenschaftler - man muss nicht wirklich wissen, was das nun ist - wir nennen das ein Phasendiagramm und das ist auch nur ein winziger Ausschnitt aber ich denke, dass es relativ einfach zu sehen ist (wenn man die Temperatur und den Druck abliest), dass der Fisch gut gekocht wurde ;).

White et al., 2007
For non-geoscientists - it doen't really matter what that should be - we call it phase diagram and this is only a tiny little bit of the whole diagram but you can easily see (juding by the temperature and pressure) that the fish must be quite good boiled ;).
Man stelle sich vor, man liest eine wissenschaftlich Abhandlung oder besser ausgedrückt, man studiert gerade detailliert ein Diagramm und entdeckt plötzlich etwas, was da nicht hin gehört. Zuerst reibt man sich die Augen, weil man denkt, dass man verrückt geworden ist und Halluzinationen hat. Dann stellt man aber fest, dass dieses Objekt tatsächlich vorhanden ist und das in einem Paper mit sehr ernstem Inhalt, welches von mehreren Leuten durchgesehen wurde und auch veröffentlicht wurde.
Für Nicht-Geowissenschaftler - man muss nicht wirklich wissen, was das nun ist - wir nennen das ein Phasendiagramm und das ist auch nur ein winziger Ausschnitt aber ich denke, dass es relativ einfach zu sehen ist (wenn man die Temperatur und den Druck abliest), dass der Fisch gut gekocht wurde ;).
Für Alke!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
... I write just a few lines about this water problem in Oslo and I feel like I hit the keyword jackpot or something like that ;)That is what people looked for recently:
2 tab water oslo
2 two days in oslo
2 impressions of norway museums
1 oslo ju
1 oslo in two days
1 http://oslo-ju.blogspot.com/
1 oslo parasiten
1 parasites in oslo water
1 it's getting cold and
1 what do norwegians look like?
1 red hair vikings
1 problem with drinking water oslo
1 how do norwegians look like
1 water tab oslo
1 germ water oslo
1 odysseye
1 giardia lamblia in oslo
1 andersnatten anders
1 oslo drinking water
Well I am not really a good source of information in that respect but I would refer to the wikipedia entry from the last post and in addition the following links:
in english:
und Deutsch:
P.S. For the person who really wants to know how Norwegians look like - maybe like read hair vikings? (just a thought).
2 tab water oslo
2 two days in oslo
2 impressions of norway museums
1 oslo ju
1 oslo in two days
1 http://oslo-ju.blogspot.com/
1 oslo parasiten
1 parasites in oslo water
1 it's getting cold and
1 what do norwegians look like?
1 red hair vikings
1 problem with drinking water oslo
1 how do norwegians look like
1 water tab oslo
1 germ water oslo
1 odysseye
1 giardia lamblia in oslo
1 andersnatten anders
1 oslo drinking water
Well I am not really a good source of information in that respect but I would refer to the wikipedia entry from the last post and in addition the following links:
in english:
und Deutsch:
P.S. For the person who really wants to know how Norwegians look like - maybe like read hair vikings? (just a thought).
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Ikke drikk vannet i Oslo...
... don't drink tab water in Oslo was todays warning in the newspapers and at every public place (I guess also on TV but I don't have one). These suckers (Giardia lamblia) were found in the Oslo drinking water. The only effective way to get rid of these complete needless organisms is to cook the water for at least three minutes. Even all the coffee machines cannot be used anymore because most of these machines don't boil the water but just heat it up to 70-80°C which is not enough. Of course there is also the possibility to buy water but the Norwegians in general do not really buy a lot of water - they usually drink the water out of the tab. So naturally there are no bigger water bottles avaiable in the shops and all the supplies od smaller bottles seemed to be enough for only a day - almost everything sold out. The only way to get those parasites out of the water is by radiation (as far as I am informed) and there is a special water treatment facility in construction here in Oslo but it will not be finished until next year (but the year is long). So I wonder for how long we have to boil water. For those who ask why Norway has this problem: most of the drinking water is stored in lakes as surface water where these protozoans can grow fast. Unfortunatley there is not much deep ground water available in Norway.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The small differences...
...between two countries probably can only be seen when you go to an unknown place in your home country. At least that is what I realized when I went to Berlin last week. Not even two months before I was also in Germany but at home where I am so used to my surroundings that I probably didn't pay attention to differences between Germany and Norway. Apart from that I just don't like big cities - too much traffic, noise, polluted air and you need hours to go from one place to another (changing busses and trams und subways several times).
Anyway, I was quite surprised how fast I got used to Norway since I always wanted to say unnskyld instead of entschuldigung or even sorry. I was also quite surprised when passing by some people and they were actually speaking German ;). In addition I was quite surprised to see cars without lights when it is almost dark or very rainy weather (something which happens almost never in Norway)and cigarette commercials on these huge poster boards. I also caught myself trying to ignore the red lights for pedestrians since here in Oslo people just don't care - in Berlin most people still wait patiently. In addition everything seemed to be so cheap - especially food (and that in Berlin which is for sure not the cheapest place in Germany). It is quite unnecessary to say that I like the German alcohol policy better (no special shops you just get wahtever you like as long as the shop is open) and I don't think that Germans have more of an alcohol problem than other countries.
Otherwise I have to state that generally Germans (even in Berlin) actually are more friendly. It starts at the airport: the Norwegian just gives you a ticket with a seat number, the German asks where you would like to sit. One guy at the airport in Berlin was really worried about me sitting on the floor and getting too cold so he asked me where I wanted to go and checked when the check-in desk would open and since there was still some time he even wanted to give me a newspaper to sit on.
Besides it happens quite often that complete strangers talk to you on the street - maybe that was a coincidence, I don't know.
One really funny thing is that the people at the Oslo airport always claim that my backpack is extra size luggage (I never had that problem at any other airport - even not Norwegian ones). I don't have to pay more but I just have to check it in at another desk - this time I even had to put it in a plastic bag - very strange.
All in all I have to admit that I was missing Oslo(and Norway) the second day already but I think that is mostly connected to my dislike of big cities and to the fact that a small hotel room just does not really feel like home.
Anyway, I was quite surprised how fast I got used to Norway since I always wanted to say unnskyld instead of entschuldigung or even sorry. I was also quite surprised when passing by some people and they were actually speaking German ;). In addition I was quite surprised to see cars without lights when it is almost dark or very rainy weather (something which happens almost never in Norway)and cigarette commercials on these huge poster boards. I also caught myself trying to ignore the red lights for pedestrians since here in Oslo people just don't care - in Berlin most people still wait patiently. In addition everything seemed to be so cheap - especially food (and that in Berlin which is for sure not the cheapest place in Germany). It is quite unnecessary to say that I like the German alcohol policy better (no special shops you just get wahtever you like as long as the shop is open) and I don't think that Germans have more of an alcohol problem than other countries.
Otherwise I have to state that generally Germans (even in Berlin) actually are more friendly. It starts at the airport: the Norwegian just gives you a ticket with a seat number, the German asks where you would like to sit. One guy at the airport in Berlin was really worried about me sitting on the floor and getting too cold so he asked me where I wanted to go and checked when the check-in desk would open and since there was still some time he even wanted to give me a newspaper to sit on.
Besides it happens quite often that complete strangers talk to you on the street - maybe that was a coincidence, I don't know.
One really funny thing is that the people at the Oslo airport always claim that my backpack is extra size luggage (I never had that problem at any other airport - even not Norwegian ones). I don't have to pay more but I just have to check it in at another desk - this time I even had to put it in a plastic bag - very strange.
All in all I have to admit that I was missing Oslo(and Norway) the second day already but I think that is mostly connected to my dislike of big cities and to the fact that a small hotel room just does not really feel like home.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
... as it was called by the organizer (Anders) ;) - just to show that Norwegian words can also be long.
I recently uploaded pictures taken in July - so now you can compare.
This actually was a workshop so we had several computers, a beamer and a generator in order to run them in the nice nature. The first day was a little foggy but that is also nice for cool pictures:

The second evening we had a fire and food outside - the food was prepared by Yuri- the master of the fire:

On the second day the weather was fantastic:

After a few people had left to go back to Oslo, the Russians were addicted to fishing and the rest (3 of us) ran up the hill to see the sunset - well the Norwegian was running the other two trying to catch up ;) But it was great!

I recently uploaded pictures taken in July - so now you can compare.
This actually was a workshop so we had several computers, a beamer and a generator in order to run them in the nice nature. The first day was a little foggy but that is also nice for cool pictures:

The second evening we had a fire and food outside - the food was prepared by Yuri- the master of the fire:

On the second day the weather was fantastic:

After a few people had left to go back to Oslo, the Russians were addicted to fishing and the rest (3 of us) ran up the hill to see the sunset - well the Norwegian was running the other two trying to catch up ;) But it was great!

to that question:
Germans generally go shopping with reusable bags (often cloth bags). I do that myself and I realized that in Germany most of the people do ;) While here in Norway you are asked if you want some (plastic) bags, in Germany they don't even ask anymore. In addition most German shops offer these cloth bags in addition to the regular plastic bags and I think that is actually a very nice thing because these bags are quite useful. Crazy Germans and their environmentalism ;)
Germans generally go shopping with reusable bags (often cloth bags). I do that myself and I realized that in Germany most of the people do ;) While here in Norway you are asked if you want some (plastic) bags, in Germany they don't even ask anymore. In addition most German shops offer these cloth bags in addition to the regular plastic bags and I think that is actually a very nice thing because these bags are quite useful. Crazy Germans and their environmentalism ;)
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Capital hopping
For the next week I will change my place of residence from the lovely capital of Norway to the (too big for my taste) capital of Germany. Luckily it is only for a week and I guess I will listen to talks and doing excercices most of the time so the location doesn't matter that much.
So long!
So long!
Monday, October 1, 2007
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