Sorry, the picture is not the best but when you look at the full size, you will be able to see the trail marked in yellow with a few stations.
Picture taken at point 1:

The lake at point 2 looked like this, I've been there before when I was out hiking but on the opposite shore:

The lake at point 3 is part of the drinking water suply for Oslo so people are asked to keep the water clean and not to swim or let the dogs swim.

Number 4 was the last picture taken when the weather was still nice ... it can be seen that some clouds are coming from the left. A few minutes after that picture was taken I had to bike in the fog. Unfortunatley that was the point the furthest away from home so my way back was foggy, cold and quite wet.

At point 5, I had to take a hiking trail in order to catch the biking trail back to Sognsvann. It is quite short so it was not really a problem and you could bike it if you really feel like it ... it was a little too rough for me ;). Anyway, any other trail would have been to far off the direction I really wanted to go but if there is more time and nicer weather there are probably other possibilities.
The last stop I made was at the same spot as stop 2 just to show the differnce of sunny and foggy:

All in all I am very glad that I biked today and tomorrow I can work since we are burried in fog ;)