Thursday, April 12, 2007

The most embarassing German

I cannot decide if it is the Pope Benedikt something (aka Ratzinger)or our great Bundeskanzlerin Merkel. Now we are not even allowed to believe in the evolution. Let's just all become Creationists (for those who don't know: believe that the Earth was created within 7 days) then we believe that the whole earth is 6000 years old and we can just abolish geoscience. So everything I studied was just crap ;)
Why should the pope have the right to tell scientists what they are allowed to believe and what not. Besides there is proof for evolution - more proof then there is for God. Wouldn't it be much more helpful to proclaim a church with true Christian values - trying to prevent wars (I mean really being engaged in something useful not just saying: war is wrong). And for me religion would also mean: accepting other ideas and beliefs and not condemning them (as long as they are not completely radical and endagering other people's lifes). So Mr. Ratzinger what happend to charity - are you giving away all the money the Vatican has? Are you helping the people living in Africa when you tell them condoms shouldn't be used and they all die of Aids? Do you really think that you are directly appointed by God?
This institution called the Catholic Church is just built up of so many human-made rules and regulations that there is nothing left of the original ideas of charity and love.


  1. this intolerance of the catholic curch isn't tolerable... in fact they hope we will be tolerably by their ideas but i say: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth... these stupid and ignorant views are getting on my nerves... a good laugh from the simpsons: a man who speaks german can't be evil ;)
