The Aslakstein is a refuge castle dating back to prehistoric times. Since there is only one way to access the top, it was easier to defend. Archeologists found human activity in the early stoneage, around the year 0, during the times of tribe migration and then during the Viking times. The path up there is quite steep and it had rained before so it was quite slippery - not a very pleasant condition. On the top, there are still a few water holes to be seen - otherwise mother nature took back what belongs to her ;)

View from almost the top on the other peak of the mountain, the flatlands around and the ocean:

Lichen on the trees - makes the forest look enchanted ;)

View of the mountains on the other side - the last sunrays on the fresh snowy top.

Funny moss:

The sun didn't want to come to us - it liked it more on the ocean ;)

And another impression of the forest: