Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Close to Lillehammer

Lillehammer is not only an olympic city but enjoys a very nice location at the lake Mjøsa and close to quite high mountains. It was too early to hike up in the mountains because there was still too much snow to walk but not enough anymore to ski so we made a tour further down in the valley. 

We wanted to see moose but only saw the whole path full with their 'pellets'.
Instead we saw sheep which started a whole concert when we passed by (the grown-ups in a low tone and the lambs with high voices) - no idea what they wanted.  

And the strange shape of a mountain ;)

Hamar - Vikingskipet

Hamar is a town in the Hedmark and we wouldn't have stopped there if there wouldn't be a huge ice arena in the shape of a turned vikingship which can be seen from the highway going from Oslo to Lillehammer. This nice curiosity was also used during the Olympic games in 1994.  

Oslomarka again

Since I posted many pictures before - here just two:

Vigelandparken by night

Yeah I know it is not aligned but it was hard enough to hold the camera without tripod ;)

Kongsberg III

Quite late but two more pictures I wanted to post:

Some of the oldest preserved houses of Kongsberg together with a fountain.

And the church of Kongsberg with the same fountain.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Kongsberg II

On the second day of the conference, we usually have a dinner in the kings mine - which is one of the biggest. They have a dining room (kind of a cave) in the mine which is also heated. After the dinner there is usually a tour through the mine.

The mine in comparison with the Eiffel tower. The green stuff in the back represents other mines in the mountain - they were digging holes everywhere ;)

The miners used these kinds of ladders - took them more than an hour to get back to the top.

Since they didn't have dynamite, most of the tunnels were done with the fire method.

Kongsberg I

Been in Kongsberg for 3 days for a seminar (which is organized by my institute every year).
We had splendid weather and it felt a little like a waste to sit inside and listen to talks.
The water level of the river which is dividing Kongsberg into two parts was unusally high and it looked quite spectacular:

I want to have a huge coin like that ;)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hiking naked

Stats are always fun - since the sun is out and spring is coming in full speed, many people are looking for hikes and destinations. I'm quite happy that my blog is found in that way since it was meant for that purpose. Some people look for lyrics. But then there are also some really funny keywords:

Statistiken sind schon lustig - seit die Sonne jeden Tag intensive scheint und der Frühling nun wirklich da ist, suchen viele Leute nach Wanderungen und Orten. Das finde ich sehr gut, weil der/die /das Blog ja hauptsächlich aus diesem Grund existiert. Manche suchen auch nach Liedtexten. Andere wiederum nach richtig lustigem Zeug:

peoples trust in weather forecasts
yes people have the tendency to believe in the weather forecast - usually they want to believe it when it says 'warm and sunny' and they do not want to believe it when it says ' rain and cold'.

keine Lust zu übersetzen irgendwie ... sorry

blog naked hiking norway
well, I know that there are some people hiking naked and since Norwegians have no problems about being naked so it might be a possibility - BUT wrong address here since I am not an exhibitionist... sorry ;)

donate hair
can you make a lot of money when you donate hair? I might think about that ... but on the other hand - who would want to have my hair?

oslo cable car
there is a cable car in Oslo? wow - living here for a year and did not know that

thing to do in october in oslo
there is for sure only one thing you can do in Oslo in October ... I wonder what?

Monday, May 5, 2008


'Ich hoffe und ich lache und ich laufe und ich lebe,
ich hoffe und ich lache und ich laufe und bin frei.
Denn ich bin frei von den Schatten dieser Welt
endlich frei von der Fessel die mich hält.
Und ich spür die grosse Kraft
wenn der neue Tag erwacht.
Drum lauf ich weiter, lauf ich so schnell wie der Wind
bis Frieden ich find.
Drum lauf ich weiter, suche ich nach jenem Ort,
wo ich verweil.'

Schandmaul, Anderswelt, Frei, 2008

Approximate translation:

I hope and I laugh and I run and I live,
I hope and I laugh and I run and I am free.
Because I am freed from the shadows of this world
free at last from the chain which holds me back.
And I feel the powerful force
when the new day dawns.
Therfore I run further, run as fast as the wind
until I find peace.
Therefore I run further, searching for the place
where I will stay.

Endlich mal wieder draussen wandern gewesen - wollte erst nicht und musste den inneren Schweinehund überwinden, weil es von der neuen Wohnung ja leider länger dauert bis man im Wald ist. Habe mich aber genauso gefühlt wie in dem Lied beschrieben - einfach frei. Bilder gibt es natürlich auch ;)

Because finally I was outside hiking - first, I didn't really want to and had to convince my weaker self, because unfortunately it takes longer from the new appartment to be in the woods. After all I exactly felt like described in the song - simply free. Of course there are pictures ;)

Es wird grün.
Getting green now.

Das ist wirklich Eis ;)
Ice in May - no joke ;)

Eine Pause an einem See - habe auch prompt Besuch von zwei gutaussehenden Herren bekommen - allerdings waren die eher an meinem Baguette interessiert als an mir persönlich. Das Bein ist absichtlich drauf, um zu sehen wie nah sie waren.

A break at a lake - I was visited by two awesome guys right away - however they were more interested in my baguette than in me personally. The leg is on the picture to see how close they were.

Nachdem sie bekommen haben, was sie wollten, haben sie sich dann verzogen - Männer! ;)
After they got what they wanted they swam away - guys! ;)

In Deutschland blüht bald der Rhododendron und der Flieder aber hier sind es erst die Anemonen.
In Germany it's time for the rhododendron and lilac to be in flower but here only the anemones are out.