Monday, October 20, 2008

Presidential elections

Being somewhat close to the States since I spent some wonderful time there I cannot stop myself from following what happens in the last weeks before the elections. What has been a concern in the beginning is more or less becoming a fear: watch the movie and then imagine that there might be a chance that this woman might be the president of a world power with access to nuclear weapons. Experienced or not - if you want to be the president of a country that big you should have a profound knowledge about politics and economy. Hockey rules and moose hunting are not really sufficient. Unfortunately many Americans didn't (do) not feel that way as we could see the last two elections. Btw moose hunting SUCKS!
Please be nice to the world and don't elect a fool again!
Thank you.


  1. For the statement of Jack Rafferty you have to love the Americans. In Germany noone in such a position would ever tell his honest opinion about a candidate.
    This time the American have to proove that they are not completely idiots (my 2 cents).
    Btw did you mean Pestilential elections? Did you anticipate the worst case scenario? ;)

  2. Cheers to my German "sister"!!! No worries about any of the Cunninghams voting for the McCain/Palin ticket - we're all Obama/Biden supporters! In fact, everyone in the family but Jim, Patty, & Steve are that way, but we're all convinced that they were dropped off by gypsies anyway! Hope all is well with you!!!
