Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Two days in paradise

Once upon a time in Norway on a Friday afternoon, two Germans started to drive from Oslo to a fantastic place since they had been invited to a hytta owned by Anders. The drive was quite nice and relaxed and the weather very nice. The navigator was reliable most of the time and provided the driver with different kinds of drops which he found in the French (but not so sporty) car. As soon as the navigator started to drink his first beer, his mood improved greatly and he started to think about offering drops to a guy whose car broke down. He also had the great idea to eat all kinds of drops after each other which in combination with the beer affected his stomach and he had to ask the driver to slow down a bit (which was very hard for the driver). The description the two got to go to the cabin was quite clear to follow except that the two turned one road to early and therefore took the scenery route parallel to the major road through the forest. At a lake they were supposed to wait to be picked up by two russian women, who were already at the cabin and volunteered to get the German team. At the cabin, they were greeted by Yuri with the comment: but this is not a sport car. The driver was slightly irritated and said that the car is the extreme opposite of a sport car and it turned out that Luiza had told Yuri that the crazy Germans would come in a sport car (Supra would have been nice ;)).
There was some fog on the lake so the first thing the driver had to do was getting out the camera and the tripod and taking a picture (no sorry not completely true - the first thing was opening a can of beer to catch up with the navigator and the rest of the company).

to be continued


  1. hold these days in your memory and try to augment them

    work is only to make these days happen

    O    O


  2. so I saw some pics of the cabin (why is there grass on top?) and you dancing in front of it. Having fun with naked Norwegians?

  3. Artyom - don't tell me that you don't know that it is very common in northren countries to have a grass roof - this is in many cases a good isolation and if it rains, the water is coming out slowly instead of flooding everything. I guess Russians would put empty vodka bottles on the roof or some nuclear waste or .. whatever but Norwegians are still more connected to nature ;)
    Besides, the only Norwegian around was the owner of the cabin who was in the cabin closing the windows and packing his things (and not the least naked). And I am not dancing, that was just a small jump.
