Tuesday, November 24, 2009


It's getting somewhat colder again and I am as shocked as every year to see so many women with fur coats here in Norway.
Maybe it's just my perception but I think somebody else mentioned it as well.
I never saw that many fur coats in Germany - maybe it's partly because I was not really living in a 'fashionable' neighbourhood?
I'm sure that the few regular readers of this blog wouldn't wear fur so don't watch the video - it almost makes you vomit. For everybody who thinks that it's ok to have a fur coat - go watch it and tell me afterwards that you have a good conscience!
Just one last comment - there are no limits to human cruelty.
And I better don't embed it here ... here's the link:


1 comment:

  1. Welcome in the real world :(
    Misanthropy is the only way out

    All that protesting brings nothing... those who buy fur'n'shit will buy those crummy things anyway

    And the politicians are too corrupt to make laws which actually protect animals
