Friday, February 1, 2008


She and he already gave an insight into some boring and interesting books surrounding them so I decided to also join: take the nearest book with more than 123 pages, open it on page 123, find the fith sentence and post the next 3 sentences.
Well ;)
Det lød fint selv om det egentlig kom fra nederlansk og betydde 'liten mann'. Petter hadde fortalt henne det. Slik han hadde fortalt henne det meste han mente hun burde vite.

Jo Nesbø - Marekors
Not that I really read that since I do too much reading at work, I hardly read at home.


  1. I'm surprised you didn't choose an English-Norwegian dictionary :D
    Nice language though

  2. Nice book, too. :-) I still haven't read his latest one, "Frelseren" is the last one I have.

  3. Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion:

    Most of what the four canonical gospels share is derived from a common source, either Mark's gospel or a lost work of which Mark is the earliest extant descendant. Nobody knows who the four evangelists were, but they almost certainly never met Jesus personally. Much of what they wrote was in no sense an honest attempt at history but was simply rehashed from the Old Testament, because the gospel-makers were devoutly convinced that the life of Jesus must fulfil Old Testament prophecies.

    I never noticed that he wrote such long sentences!
