Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Well, this is extreme backblogging - pictures from last August which never made it to the blog ;) And I wanted to introduce some museums in Oslo already for a long time. We went to the ski museum on Holmenkollen and of course went up to the ski jump. The ski museum is quite unusual because there are not many museums of that kind. Logically you can see many skis from the early times of skiing (skis even with some nice ornaments) until the modern times with signed skis of Norwegian athletes. There are also some videos and some informations about the equipment of the early explorers going to the Arctic or Antarctic. In addition you can find information about the development of the ski jump in Holmenkollen and of course you can go to the jump and look down. There is an elevator but it has much more style to use the stairs. Anyway this will be obsolete soon, since they are tearing down the old jump tower and will build a very fancy new one. I don't know what happens to the museum at that time. For those who really want to know how it is when jumping, there is a jump simulator - I was told that it is quite fun but didn't try it.

First, a nice view of the Oslofjord:

The lake, the ski jumpers land in ;) In winter this is ice of course:

The ski jump itself:

Genia with a Norwegian moose - not that the cap on the moose's head it Genia's:

Skijumper's perspective:

A few of us with an Alaskan(!!!) bear (had to be imported hehe):

Modern viking and disoriented Russian (thinks that it is raining inside):

And the ski jump one more time:


  1. that bear has an uncuddly fur... I guess this is why people don't hunt bears for fur ;)

  2. you still wear the same shoes lol
