Thursday, September 20, 2007


... I planned to put in more pictures but I am so extremely tired and hungry and desperate for a shower when I come home. In addition I have these stupid thermodynamics equations in my head (you don't really have to understand what I am talking about since I don't even understand it myself;)). It all started because my crazy Russian supervisor decided to organize a workshop as kind of birthday party for a guy working at ETH in Zürich and that guy wrote a program to calculate phase diagrams, pseudosections etc. (for non geoscientist - ignore). So we (mostly the PhD students) were supposed to do some projects in order to understand what he is dealing with and also because we want to have solutions ourselves - to cut a long story short we just didn't have enough time so it was thermodynamics all day for one week. The workshop at least is done and was quite helpful but unfortunately our solutions are not done yet so I guess we have to work more on this project.
Anyway - tired- bed - night ;)


  1. good night then :D
    and good luck with your work too

    and how is Gibb's free energy doing :crazy

  2. You wanted to know what the Gibb's enerry is doing - here you go:

    g_ex_Fe(iT,jP,iphs) = (1-2*Xfe(k))*(W_G(iT,jP,4,2)*Xmg(l)^2+W_G(iT,jP,4,1)*Xca(j)^2+W_G(iT,jP,4,3)*Xmn(i)^2)
    ... +2*(1-Xfe(k))*(W_G(iT,jP,2,4)*Xmg(l)*Xfe(k)+W_G(iT,jP,1,4)*Xca(j)*Xfe(k)+W_G(iT,jP,3,4)*Xmn(i)*Xfe(k)) ...
    -2*(W_G(iT,jP,2,1)*Xmg(l)*Xca(j)^2+ W_G(iT,jP,1,2)*Xca(j)*Xmg(l)^2+ W_G(iT,jP,2,3)*Xmg(l)*Xmn(i)^2+W_G(iT,jP,3,2)*Xmn(i)*Xmg(l)^2+W_G(iT,jP,3,1)*Xmn(i)*Xca(j)^2+W_G(iT,jP,1,3)*Xca(j)*Xmn(i)^2) ...
    +(1/2)*(1-2*Xfe(k))*(Xmg(l)*Xca(j)*(W_G(iT,jP,4,2)+W_G(iT,jP,2,4)+W_G(iT,jP,4,1)+W_G(iT,jP,1,4)+W_G(iT,jP,2,1)+W_G(iT,jP,1,2)) ...
    +Xmg(l)*Xmn(i)*(W_G(iT,jP,4,2)+W_G(iT,jP,2,4)+W_G(iT,jP,4,3)+W_G(iT,jP,3,4)+W_G(iT,jP,2,3)+W_G(iT,jP,3,2)) ...
    +Xca(j)*Xmn(i)*(W_G(iT,jP,4,1)+W_G(iT,jP,1,4)+W_G(iT,jP,4,3)+W_G(iT,jP,3,4)+W_G(iT,jP,1,3)+W_G(iT,jP,3,1))) ...
    - Xmg(l)*Xca(j)*Xmn(i)*(W_G(iT,jP,2,1)+W_G(iT,jP,1,2)+W_G(iT,jP,2,3)+W_G(iT,jP,3,2)+W_G(iT,jP,1,3)+W_G(iT,jP,3,1));

  3. looks like the abridged version of this formula :crazy
