Thursday, September 13, 2007


... I am home earlier than expected - twisted my ankle while playing soccer, I have now enough time to answer Alkes questions:

1. Wenn Du fortan als Person in einem Buch leben müsstest, welche wäre das?
If from now on you would have to live as a person from a book, which one would that be?

That would probably be Miss Marple, that somewhat nosy, old lady who has so much spare time to solve all the murder cases in her surroundings. Well, ok she is quite old and sometimes annoys people but I always liked that character created by Agatha Christie.

2. Welches Buch hast Du zuletzt gelesen?
Which was the last book you read?

A German crime story (did I say that I like crime stories ;))called "Uferwald" by Ulrich Ritzel. The main point why I am reading the books written by this author is, because his stories always play in Ulm or close to Ulm and since I was born there and know many localities it is just very cool to have a picture of the places in your mind. In addition the plots are very complicated and I think he is a good writer - quite thrilling.

3. Welche große Erfindung könnte von dir stammen, wenn sie nicht schon erfunden wäre?
Which invention could have been yours, if it wouldn't exist already?

If music counts as an invention than I would keep to that. With music you can move people, you can express any mood, you can connect people. Otherwise I would probably want to invent paper - what would any civilization be without books?

4. Welche 5 Vorteile und 5 Nachteile hat Norwegen, verglichen mit Alaska?
Which 5 advantages and disadvantages has Norway in comparison to Alaska?

That was actually not so easy because I always compared Alaska with Germany, and Norway with Germany ;).
1. Norwegian is such a cute language , it sound so nice (even bad words), English (or better Alaskan American) can not compete with that.
2. AK is (although so far away) still part of the USA so all that visa stuff is quite annoying if you want to stay longer. In Norway you have to go through the effort get your social security number but once you have that you can stay quite long in the country at least as European.
3. Norway is closer to Germany.
4. There is a quite good structure of hiking, biking and skiing trails in many regions of Norway. In Alaska, there are a few marked hiking trails but otherwise it is much harder to find paths to walk on without having to cross huge rivers.
5. Not everybody in Norway has to have a huge pickup and drive even the few meters to the post box. People are still more active.
1. There is less wildlife to be seen in Norway. I know that animals are supposed to be around but they are not showing themselves that often. It is much easier to get wildlife in front of the camera in AK.
2. Norway is not as cold as AK.
3. Some nice regions are not accessible because people have their properties there. In Alaksa the great places are so far away from any shop and infrastructure that there are basically no humans living there.
4. Which is a little bit connected to 3: in Norway, you have to pay for almost everything - so if you want to see a nice waterfall, you have to pay for the parking lot and of course for every stave church you have to pay. In addition, you have to pay for the roads. In AK at least nature and roads are for free.
5. Norway is more expensive.

5. Was hast Du zuletzt so richtig schönes beobachtet, dass Du schmunzeln/grinsen/lachen musstest?
What have you recently seen which was really beautiful that you have to smile/laugh?

Tromsø seen from the top of the mountain.

So if anybody wants: write "interview please" and you will get 5 questions asked by me ;)


  1. Funny, how fast the interview thing spreads!
    Good luck for your ankle. Hope you'll feel better soon!

  2. D'oh! Interview please, of course... and the url to my blog is wrong too... I should go to bed :D

  3. Krimis und Miss Marple... hmm. Hast du eigentlich mal Jo Nesbø gelesen? Prima Krimis, allerdings ohne ältere Damen, die in Oslo spielen.

    Mit denen hab ich Norwegisch gelernt (und mit Nemi).

  4. @ Enno: ich befürchte, dass mein Norwegisch dazu noch nicht ausreicht - ich habe irgendwie kaum mehr Zeit zu lernen aber natürlich will ich norwegische Krimis wirklich nur auf Norwegisch lesen ;)
