Thursday, May 17, 2007

17th of May

Well, in Germany today is the usually holiday but it was by chance at the same day of the Norwegian National holiday. Actually I don't like masses of people but for the first time I thought I really should go downtown and see what is going on so I met there with Luiza (from Romania). I think I never saw that many German flags in my life compared to the Norwegian ones I saw in just one day ;). It felt like whole Norway was on the streets but luckily there was no rush. They have some of these parades (and I am not really a fan of this) but we watched for some time. Then we wanted to check if the Royals really stand on their balcony and wave and they really do (although we didn't get too close to see faces ;)). Luiza took more pictures than I did and I am not really satisfied with what I got on my camera (just not really used to take pics of people).
But I also wanted to put in a few impression of Kongsberg which was THE silver town of Norway. The second evening we even ate in one of the mines called the King's mine. The whole Kongress was in the Mining Museum:

The third evening we could get a glimpse on the silver collection in the museum and they also have a very nice mineral collection (have to go there again very soon ;))

I know that the first pic is a little defocused but it was hard with the glass around and the light and I wanted to put it in anyway.


  1. hmmmmmmm siiiiilber

    cooles Gebäude... wenn ich mal in No bin, schau ich mir die Mine an... aber nicht ohne meinen Hammer/Hämmerchen ;)

  2. nachdem ja eine spanische Mannschaft den UEFA-Cup gewonnen hat (welch Wunder ;) könnt ich ja die Spanien-Flagge ans Auto machen :D

  3. 17. Mai ist super, den werde ich vermissen wenn ich hier weg bin.

    Was die Royals betrifft: Ich hab den Koenig mal im Haus des Kuenstlers getroffen, ganz zufaellig. Da muss man also nicht auf den Balkon steigen.

    Hand schuetteln ging aber auch da nicht :-)
