Wednesday, May 2, 2007

By the way

For those who constantly want to know how I am : a few more weeks like what it is now and I am freaking out. I am not supersticious but somehow I have the feeling that some mysterious forces want to prevent me from doing this PhD. Well it is perfectly clear that every start is kind of hard and that there are so many things to organize and to adjust to - I was prepared (or at least I thought so ;))
When I came into the office today even Nina said that I am ill-starred (I admit I had to look that up in the dictionary :p).
1)Anyway I already told the story about the second application because there was no Norwegian reference number for the PhD position, so I officially had to apply again. Since my Mum's computer didn't want to accept the application as pdf I went to friends of us and sent the whole application to this administrative coordinator. So after being about 2 weeks in Oslo and the end of the second application deadline I get the message that nobody applied. Mysteries happen and e-mails get sent to the wrong people but at least my e-mail provider told me that the message was sent. Luckily nobody else applied so I could write another statement that I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to apply with the correct refernce number.
Who ever wrote three applications for the same position?
2) Everything in Norway works like this: contract -> residence permit and some kind of social security number -> bank account .... so of course I have to get this number and usually this office is crammed with people and you have to wait for hours since there is only one place for all people in Oslo. To shorten things the very nice secretary of the PGP contacted a guy who knows people at this office and therefore can make things faster. So I made an appointment with him on Monday at 9 am. Monday comes and after waiting for half an hour I just think well I could work as well (I didn't know his address so I couldn't try to find him). The second appointment is tomorrow - hopefully he will remember but this time I know where I can find him.
3) For every computer here you need a username and password otherwise you cannot use it. If you have a contract there is usually no problem to get this username. I didn't have a contract when I came so I got a guest login and was told that it is valid for two weeks and then I can get an elongation. The woman (I cannot really call her admin since she is far less) refused to already apply for a premanent use name since I didn't have a contract yet and it didn't help that I told her that I will get it in any case. Ten days later when I try to log in ... my guest account has been disabled. So I have to find out that it is valid for only 10 days and that I have to get a complete new account which meant that all the files I had under the other login are lost, too. Since the woman is so slow and I don't have a real username yet I have to do this guest login procedure probably 2 to 3 more times and I cannot install programs because I am not allowed to put them on C and if I put them in any other folder they are lost ...("(§$U=$)(§=$()
Btw. that woman filled out a form with my birthday and name and I had to sign it and she said I should check if everything is correct so I read the birthdate aloud ... 17th of February is ok (she wrote 17.02 - at least that' what I thought ;))... a minute later she comes back ... were you born in February or in March?
I wonder how some people get their jobs and how they can keep them ?


  1. some people are not invented for work or there is no work for such people... these people are costing money and getting on the nerves of everybody... they are slow and stupid... in real business (university isn't real business with harsh competition) these people won't come along the qualifying period and they wouldn't get a good letter of recommendation... so they won't get a good job for the next time and so on... but still at the university these mutation of apes upset every civilized people around them without notizing that ... i could go on a rampage now... >8(
