Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Small Tour

It's time for a few more pictures! The original idea was to find a hiking trail along one of the fjords close to Hønefoss. However that was not really easy since there are either roads or railroad tracks right next to the water and if there is actually some area left out, there are houses and all the private properties. Next time I will do a hike described in the book - that's safer ;)
Anyway, I had the chance to take a few pictures:


  1. Ich habe topographische Karten fuer ganz Norwegen, das ist unheimlich hilfreich, wenn man mal einfach Querbeet durch den Wald stiefeln will.

    Schoene Bilder.

  2. Die Karten stehen auf meiner Anschaffungsliste aber ich kam noch nicht dazu mir solche (eher unwichtigen) Sachen zu kaufen.

