Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Did someone succeed in living on air only?

As usual, at the end of the month the rent has to be paid so that is the time when I am running around to get money from my German account via a cash machine. Then I have to pay in this cash at the post office. Of course there is a fee on withdrawing the money from the German account as well as when paying it in at the post office since I don't have an account there. One more month I can manage like this then my savings are used up (luckily I have a Mum who could support me - poor people who don't ). Last week I was told that I will get the money at the end of May (one more day left and for some reason I have the feeling that my post box will be empty tomorrow). So I guess I have to practice how to live on air only.


  1. Du hast ja noch flüssige Währung...

  2. So verzweifelt bin ich glücklicherweise noch nicht, dass ich die benötige. Ausserdem ist es um einiges besser mit anderen Leuten die guten Tröpfchen zu genießen ... habe leider noch niemanden dafür gefunden

  3. im moment bin ich dicht dran mit leben von luft... ich beschränke mich auf ein anderes "element": wasser ;)
